Awarded The Knot “Best of Weddings” 2016!

We are honored and humbled to announce that we have been awarded The Knot “Best of Weddings” 2016!

Thank you for sharing all of your stories and experiences of working with us over the past year! Because of your votes and reviews, we have been recognized as being in the top 1% of wedding photographers nationally.

This award is especially meaningful to us because, unlike a lot of other “awards” given, this one can’t be bought. The Knot Best of Weddings is awarded to the top 1% of wedding professionals, and is ONLY based on reviews from real clients such as yourself!

Not only do your reviews earn us fun awards that we get to brag about a little, it earns us the opportunity to continue helping more couples find their perfect Utah wedding photographer! Over 80% of clients-to-be read reviews before working with a wedding vendor (you did, right?) so when you share your experience it helps other couples know they have found an experienced company to entrust with capturing their once in a lifetime event. Click HERE to read more of our reviews!


“When I started to look for photographers, I was automatically drawn to Dezember. Their style was everything that I could ever dream of. The experience they provided was even better! They made allowances for our busy college schedule and worked so hard to get everything we needed in at the right time. Deja was always there to sweetly answer any questions my mother and I had, which were many. We always felt like we were their top priority. When it came to the actual picture taking, everything was a breeze. It was so easy to be natural with Randy and really enjoy the process. He knew the best locations and had fun ideas that made the shoot for my husband and I. He also was so sweet to our guests and they absolutely adored him. He made everything a breeze on our wedding day. As for the pictures themselves, we get nothing but compliments on them. They turned out to be everything I ever wanted. I am so grateful we had them for our wedding and I would strongly tell anyone to use them.” – Morgan (Happy Bride)